Prompt: Describe the similarities and differences between the main character and you.
This week I read about how Pavel, the servant, helped Bruno out when he got hurt. So if you read my previous blog, you would see that I told you how Bruno made a homemade swing in his backyard and that he fell off and got hurt. Well, when Pavel was cooking he saw Bruno and helped Bruno clean up his scratches and bandage them. When Bruno's mom came home and saw him, she was horrified. Bruno said "It was a little accident but then Pavel came to help me!" Bruno's mom made sure that he was alright, then she sent him to his room. So Bruno started toward his room but stood far enough so he could still hear his mom. When he left he heard his mom say "thank you", to Pavel in a low quiet voice. Then she said "If anyone asks, I helped him." Then they both went about their own business.
The next thing I read about was how Bruno's grandmother had left when he was younger. Bruno's grandmother always loved to write a play in family plays on family parties/ gatherings. She always loved to sing and dress up in the plays as well. Bruno talked about how he remembered one of the last plays he did with her and his sister, Gretel. He also talked about how his grandmother got into a fight with her son shortly after that play. It all started with Bruno's father talking about his new uniform from the navy. When he got into the depth of the story, Bruno's grandmother quickly interrupted. She said "It's all my fault. I turned you into who you are, a sick person. It started with the plays and the dressing up, didn't it?" No one but mom and dad knew what was going on. They started to yell and fight but when Bruno said something, his mom sent both of the kids upstairs. They closed the door but sat at the top of the stairs. When they heard the door open, both of the kids darted up to their rooms and heard their grandmother say "A patriot indeed! And that makes me sick!"
Finally, later on of what I read, it talked about how Bruno wanted to go exploring. He hasn't been exploring since he moved to his new house. So Bruno started to go exploring. He kept on walking and walking for an hour straight. All he saw was the fence that separated them from the other people in the striped pajamas. So finally he started to see a speck that turned into a dot that tuned into a blob that turned into a figure that turned into a person. It turns out that it really was a person. That person was a boy in striped pajamas, that was 9 years old and his birthday was June 15. His name was Shmuel. (Bruno was 9 and his birthday was June 15 too.)
Bruno and I are actually very similar. He is adventures, doesn't like changes, and cares about the people who take care of him. I am the same way. I like to help out people in need and I like to treat people the way I want to be treated. I also don't like changes. I like things to stay the same until I am ready for a change. Lastly, I like to explore and go on hikes to find new things. Doing this makes me happy and it clears my mind.