Friday, September 26, 2014

Banned Books Vlog 9.26.14


  1. Go ask alice sounds like a great book! It surprises me that "Go ask Alice" was made in 1971 but it was in the top ten most challenged in 2001 and 2002!

  2. That's really crazy how it was written in 1971 and is being challenged now! It makes me wonder why they didn't ban it before, more recently after it was published. I'm glad you looked at the big picture of the story, fixing your own problems.

  3. *Go Ask Alice* had been a challenged book because of drugs, offensive language,and being sexually explicit. I have always came across the book, but I never really picked it up to know what it is about. Now I know that is it is about a true diary about a 15 year old. Great job!

  4. I commented on Bela's, Nik's, Julia's, and Stanley's vlog posts.

  5. Great vlog! It shocked me that, from what you said, that this was a book that was supposed to keep kids away from drugs, is being banned. This surprised me because, the kids will not see what the effects have on people.
