Monday, January 5, 2015

TKAM Week of 1.5.15

Prompt: Overall thoughts on the book
Prompt 2: Who is your favorite character and why?

*This blog was from before break but it didn't publish and got deleted.
         "To Kill a Mocking Bird" was a pretty good book. It was not one of my favorite but it also wasn't one of my least favorite. At first my thoughts on the book were that it wasn't all that good and really hard to get into. But towards the second part of the book is when I really started to enjoy it more. I normally don't read books like this one, I'm more of a drama and action person. Although, I do have to say that the book was really interesting and fun to read. I also liked all the activities we got to do with TKAM.

       I think that my favorite character is Scout. Scout is very curious throughout the book and she is very caring. Not many people in Maycomb county have respect like she does or the thoughtful side of her. In some ways she reminds me of myself. The part about her being courageous that is. I used to a shy person and never spoke my mind and never stood up for what I believed in. Over the past 3 years of being in middle school I have learned to stick up for what I want and what I believe in. This is where Scout comes in, Scout is very brave and I assume has always been that way, but I am now like her. After reading "To Kill a Mocking Bird" I picked up a few tips from her on how to be courageous. She is a very goo character and is easy to relate to.

1 comment:

  1. Just, random thing... You called Scout a "goo character." Just thought I should tell you. Great blog though, it was cool to see what you thought of the book. I also liked the way you also compared Scout to yourself; awesome! :)
