Thursday, March 26, 2015

Night Blog Post 3.26.15

Pages Read: 0-46
Prompt: What do you think of the book so far?

    This week in class we started reading Night by Elie Wiesel. Night is about a young boy who is almost thirteen and he gets taken from his home. The little boy gets taken from his home and goes to a concentration camps. Before this happens though, the German soldiers invade the Jewish community which they live in, Sighet. The Germans were acting nice at first which is what Moishe the Beadle didn't think would happen at first. After they were nice and the Jews became comfortable with them, the soldiers started to order around all of the Jews. After that, they took the Jews and put them in Ghettos. From there they were deported on their way to the concentration camps.

     On their way to the concentration camps, their was a lady who kept screaming "Flames! Look at the flames!" They were on a train and they couldn't see the fire she was talking about. The Jews were on the train for days and every night the lady would scream "Flames!". No one knew why she was saying this, but they were about to find out. The train stopped and the lady once more screams "Flames!". The Jews looked out the window and they saw the flames. The flames were coming from a concentration camp, the Jews just arrived at Birkenau, the reception center for Auschwitz.

     When the Jews arrive at Birkenau, they are split into two lines. One line is for men and the other is for women. This meant that the main character and his family was split up. His mom and sister went in the women line and him and his father went to the men line. From there they were going to be split again. One line was for people who were too young, too old, or too weak. The main character and his dad were confronted by one of the inmates there and he asked their ages. The inmate told the main character to tell the guards his age was fifteen and his dad's age is forty. This was so they could stay alive.

     I think this book is really good so far. The storyline seems very interesting and from what I have read, it is. The characters seem interesting as well. I'm excited to continue to read the rest of the book because the story and journey throughout the book seems good. I think that this book is going to be great. The story is true which makes it ten times more interesting to me. I can't wait to finish it! But from what I have read, I really like this book and I think others will enjoy it too.


  1. Nice blog. It was cool to see your views and thoughts on the book. Great job!

  2. I was awed when the woman was screaming fire, but the rest of the deportees couldn't see anything, but when they arrived at Birkenau/Auschwitz many of them went to the gas chambers. After the gas chambers their bodies would be burned, like the fire the woman sees. Maybe it was just a lucky guess, but it completely awed me when this happened. I think n your post you should try and talk about how the reading makes you feel when you talk about something that happened. Great blog!
