Thursday, April 17, 2014

Beautiful Creatures 4.17.14

Pages Read: 1- 45
Prompt: What did you read about?

                  So, I just got my book yesterday at the book fair. I saw the movie and I know a little
background on it. So this book is a bout a guy name Ethan and he goes to high school in South Carolina. Then a new girl, Lena, comes to his school and she is like an outcast. No one has seen her before but Ethan has, in his dreams. Every night Ethan dreamt of the same thing, a girl falling and him trying to catch her. They instantly fall in love and find out that they can communicate with each other telepathically. Lena is a "Caster" who has her "fate" decided for her, when she turns 16 years old, the light side or the dark side. Lena and her family were cursed and that is why she is a Caster.

               That was just a short summary of what I know from watching the movie. So far I read about Ethan talking about his school and how there is a new girl who is kind of weird. He said that he feels like he knows her from somewhere. He soon finds out that it is the girl in his dreams. Ethan then starts to hangout with her and finds out her name and a little about her. They start to hangout more and really connect. Since I just got this book and I have not read a lot, this is all I read about. But I do look forward to reading more on this book. 

             Did you like the book so far? Was the movie good? Which do you think will be better, the movie or the book?

          I really do like the book so far because they use a lot of detail and a lot of description. I also like it because something about the way the other wrote the words and the names of the characters makes me really intrigued.  I thought the movie was really good and I hope the book is just as good if not better! Ii personally think that the book will be much, much better because it will have more description and more events that will really show you what the book is about.


  1. I always find myself enjoying your blog when I read one of your posts. Your thoughts are very clear and i love how you compare the book to the movie. Goodjob!

  2. I know this is a Fantasy book but it's still kinda creepy how Ethan saw Lena in his dreams. Imagine meeting a guy and him telling you in your mind, "I dream about you.". No matter how cute he is, it's still really creepy. Anyways, this book sounds really good! Despite the creepy men, it's still kinda cool. What time period does this take place? Great blog!

  3. I have always heard of "Beautiful Creatures", but I never knew the story behind it. With this blog, it's all clear to me now. Is that new girl a "beautiful creature" then? I feel like it would be kind of awkward to see a girl that was in your dreams. Did the girl know the boy? Usually the book will always be the better choice because you can read and imagine every detail. Amazing blog!
