Thursday, November 6, 2014

Random 11.06.14

I haven't found a book to read for this week so I decided to do something different. My blog post is going to be a few originals that I have thought of. For example a poem that I wrote about preforming.

Poem: The Bright Lights

I step onto the stage and look out into the crowd.
My mind is blank and I feel so nervous.
My stomach starts to tingle,
But with what?
Is this feeling of excitement,
Or maybe joy?
Is what I'm feeling normal?
The feeling lasts the whole performance.
As morning rose upon us,
I still felt the same.

The feelings were strong and powerful,
Every time I took the stage I could feel the warmness,
The completeness that was inside.
The feelings of Preforming!
The songs that play,
The movements I make,
Makes up the feelings of preforming.

The passion within,
Trying to show on the outside.
Not so easy all the time.
But the Bright lights, the motions, and the cheering from the audience,
Makes me feel special inside.

Ever since I was little I loved to preform. I am not the best performer and I get stage fright pretty easily but the feelings are so wonderful. I get this excitement in my heart and these butterflies in my stomach that make me so happy. It is like an escape for me. The preforming arts is something that will always be n my heart and those feelings will always be there as well.


  1. I really like your poem and the message that it is trying to teach the reader. I especially like the last stanza which says that people have passion in the inside and we try to express it in the outside. In the last paragraph I liked how you included your personal feelings towards your most favorite subject. I have passion for history and languages which kind of relates to your message. Great Poem Post.

  2. I think it's really cool how you you decided not to do one of the traditional blog prompts on the book your reading but instead create something of your own. I know most people wouldn't have thought of this. Maybe you should try to get one poem in a week? If you like writing poetry then maybe with your blog you can additionally write a poem on something you like. Whenever I do poetry it's in class, but I think working on it outside of the classroom will have many benefits. Like Abdiel, I really enjoyed your last stanza because it's something everyone can relate to and it comes from how you really feel. Great poem!

  3. Gianna,

    I liked your format for the blog. You poem was really awesome, and like the others said, I loved your last stanza. It came from your heart, and you made that really clear. Amazing job!
