Thursday, October 30, 2014

Go Ask Alice Week of 10.30.14

Pages Read: Finished!
Prompt:  If you could choose a different title what would you choose and why?

            I would probably choose the title "Alice's Rocky Road". This title sounds a little cheesy but I think that it defiantly fits the story. Alice starts off as a really good kid, she does great in school and never gets into trouble there. She had a very hard time making friends and so she moved. When she moved Alice started to hangout with a new group of people but little did she know that they were bad. Alice went to a party and the host played a "game" where she put a drug called LSD in some of the drinks. Alice got one of those cups with the drug in it and she was hooked. She began to do different types of drugs with that group of people and her life changed.

            Alice got on this rocky path and started to do drugs which made her do not so good things. She was never one for sexual interaction of any kind but that quickly changed. Alice went from being such a nice and sweet girl, to a rebel who did drugs and inappropriate things for her age. Once Alice told herself that she couldn't live like this anymore she stopped doing the drugs and drinking. But when she screwed up with a guy who she didn't even want to be with she felt terrible. Alice liked another boy who she wanted to be with all the time and she felt like since she screwed up with someone else she couldn't have him. Her last resort was to go back to doing drugs.

           I really do think that the title I chose would be a pretty good second choice because "Alice's Rocky Road" shows that in the book a serious of events will occur that will change everything. Alice does go through a rocky time with her highs and her lows. The highs are when she is sober and doing really well. The lows are when she gets into doing drugs and starts falling behind in a lot of things such as her social life, school, etc. I enjoyed this book and I need a new one to read. Please give me some options.

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you try some poetry? Is there a particular poet you enjoy?
