Thursday, February 19, 2015

Twilight 2.19.15

Pages Read: 300-350
Prompt: Do you enjoy reading you book? Why or why not?

                I do enjoy reading Twilight! If I had the time I would love to just sit down and read for hours. Unfortunately I don't. This week has been crazy with the snow day and other things so I have not been able to read much. I really do like reading Twilight though because it's a fun and easy story to get into. If there were more hours in the day I would defiantly read this book more! I like reading Twilight because of the storyline. The storyline is fun and interesting. If there was a boring storyline no one would want to read that! I also like reading this book because it keeps me on the edge of my seat at least once in every chapter. There are times we get to learn about one of the Cullens' background or when Edward and Bela are alone. Twilight is very intriguing!

              This week I read about Carlisle, Edwards adoptive, vampire, father. I read about his past and what era he was born in. Carlisle was born in the 1600's. The reader get's to find out how he became a vampire and when it happened. They also get to see what his reactions were when he found out he was turning into a vampire. I loved reading this chapter because the facts about his background were so amazing and very descriptive. I look forward to finishing this book soon!



  1. I like how you first introduced how Twilight makes you feel then some knowledge on the book. You are also very enthusiastic with this blog post. Makes it more interesting. Good job, Gianna!

  2. Wow is Twilight really that good? I never read the books but I have seen the movies, so I don't really know, but you obviously liked it so maybe I'll read it too. I liked how in your second paragraph, you talked about what you read so far which helped me learn more about the book. Great blog post this week!

  3. I have the same feeling as you, at home I have dozens of books that I want to read for hours and hours. I do like how you included your personal feelings towards this book and also how you mentioned details that have to do with the storyline. The reason I agree with you is because in order for a book to fit the amazing category, they must have a great storyline. When I was reading your blog I could clearly tell that Twilight has an understandable and great storyline. Great Blog Post!
