Pages Read: 141-176
Prompt: Prediction- What do you think will happen next?
The first thing I read about in the pages I read for this week was that Bruno's grandmother died. Since Bruno hasn't seen his grandmother since she walked out on them a long time ago, he didn't get to say one last goodbye. The last memory he had of her was if a play he had preformed on Christmas over a year ago. When Bruno and his family got the news about the tragedy, they returned to their old home in Berlin for two days. For those two days, Bruno and Shmuel weren't able to talk to each other.
A few days later when Bruno and his family retuned back to Out-With, Bruno was getting ready to go see Shmuel again but then it started to rain. Since it was raining, they couldn't hangout and Bruno was worried for Shmuel. The next day it was Bruno's dad's birthday so his mom threw a party. While they were setting up for the party, Bruno was going to the living room to read. While he made his way down he ran into Lieutenant Kotler. Lieutenant Kotler stalled for a little while and then finally let him go and read his book. When Bruno was just about to go to the living room, he decided to get something to eat instead. When he walked into the kitchen he saw Shmuel cleaning glasses in the kitchen. Bruno was talking with Shmuel and gave him some food. Then lieutenant kotler came in from the other room and then he SCREAMED at Shmuel and called him a peasant. When the boys were dismissed from each other they didn't talk for one week. When they spoke again they held hands for the first time.
I think that Bruno and Shmuel will both get into big trouble from lieutenant kotler. I also think that Shmuel will get beaten or punished. When the boys see each other next time, I think they will get into an argument over what happened in the kitchen.
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